
My name is Harish Gontu

I completed my undergraduation in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. Currently studying masters in Computer Science at University of Texas, Dallas

Nicknames - Akashi, Karna.

I like to challenge myself on day-to-day basis


I mostly work with software part of cs equation but am interested to learn anything and everything.

My interests are spread over vast topics like

  • ML Systems
  • Advanced Database Systems
  • Quantum Computing
  • Advanced Programming Languages

Huge fan of open source

Some of open source projects I like

  • ZIO
  • Neovim

I like strongly typed programming languages better than one without explicit type system

  • C++
  • Java
  • Scala
  • Python
  • Haskell
  • Lua
  • JS


I am linguist and analytic by nature. I have a voracious appetite for knowledge. I like to understand the structure behind language and its implications. I am addicted to Duolingo as you might have understood from above.